You Were Made for More
You Were Made for More
Episode 60: All About the ySUMMIT🥳
What does it look like to be marching into the post-Roe America?
I wanted to pop into your feed this month and personally invite you each to join us this January for the 50th annual March for Life and our event, the ySUMMIT!
The ySUMMIT is the event Anglicans for Life holds every year in conjunction with the March for Life. Through worship, fellowship, and engaging speakers, we’ll connect the Gospel with how to affirm life, so that we can make a difference for His Kingdom here on earth by being the light in the post-Roe world.
While the Dobbs decision in June was a historic milestone for those who believe that every life is sacred, we will not rest until legal protection is provided from conception to natural death for every human being. Since 1983, Abundant Life’s parent organization, Anglicans for Life has worked to uphold the Sanctity of Life by working to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary, and we won’t give up until we have that victory.
Here is how to find out more about the ySUMMIT registration:
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