You Were Made for More

Episode 64: Man's Way v. God's Way (With Laura Daly)

February 20, 2023 Guest: Laura Daly Season 3 Episode 2

This month, we're bringing you the ySUMMIT talks on the podcast! You'll hear from speakers who spoke to students who attended the March for Life in Washington, D.C. in January 2023.

This first episode features Laura, whose talk was split into two parts. One about doing life our own way, and one about doing like God's way (this episode is a cohesive blend of both her talks!). The gist of what she hits on is why it is so important to think deeply and rely on God's guidance about the choices we make; without the guidance of God and the Holy Spirit in our lives, we wander into unhealthy relationships, selfish behaviors, and because of our sin nature we make choices that end up harming us more than benefiting us. The second part of her talk features the "redemption" of leaning into relationships the way God would call us to AND practical ways to do this. 

Laura was the Director of the Pittsburgh Essential Speakers program at Women’s Choice Network, Pittsburgh, PA before the COVID-19 pandemic. To keep getting the “Healthy Relationship” message out to teens during COVID, she authored the video curriculum REAL TALK, which is a video series designed to equip young people with the skills to combat relationship challenges they face in adolescence. She is a native Pittsburgher, graduated with a BS in Psychology/Business from Penn State University, and in her more ‘youthful’ days, she was a resident archery athlete at the US Olympic Training Center in CO, made the USA World Archery Team, National Team, and was Archery’s Athlete Representative to the US Olympic Committee. After raising two daughters and working in the family manufacturing representative business, she continues to be active in her church and follows closely the sexual challenges teens face in today’s culture. Her passion for the abundant life that Christ calls us to is evident in who she is AND the work that she does.

Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

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