You Were Made for More

Episode 46: My Heart From India and for Missions (With Lindsey Reichert)

June 28, 2021 Season 3 Episode 13

"During my mission trip to India, I kept a detailed diary of the events, feelings, and experiences of my time. When I was writing I thought I would use the entries as notes for future blogs or maybe a book. So I wrote honestly and vulnerably, not expecting anyone to ever read it. But when I came home and years passed I realized that I would probably never take the time to write the blogs and I thought that would be the end of it. But this Spring I started reading my journal again and I realized that I wrote the entries as if I was blogging. They were blogs to God, and to myself. Some were prayers and some were lists. I realized that I didn’t need to change what I originally wrote to make it beautiful, the beauty was already there because it was authentic. So I have decided to publish my journal. All the vulnerable and cringe-worthy parts as well. The value of that summer is the truth of what I saw, felt, and experienced without any filters or edits. So here is my heart from India, with all the raw and beautiful parts intact."
-Lindsey's book description

Lindsey is a dear friend from my time completing the Pittsburgh Fellows program,  a lover of Jesus, AND the interim youth director at St. Stephen's Church in Sewickley, PA. She has a heart for missions, people, and God, and it shines through in everything she does. I'm so grateful she is sharing the story of her book with us on the podcast today. Can't wait for you guys to hear it!

Here are some things we mentioned in this episode:

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